Personality: Friendly, playful
Sex: Neutered male
Size: 20 lbs.
Age: 11 months old
Note: This pet is in a foster home but still needs a forever family. To arrange a meeting, please fill out an application (below) and call (510) 337-8565.
Looking for a smallish dog to warm your feet at night? Butchie is a small, long-bodied mix with a short blond coat. He's very mellow to be less than a year old.
* Sweet and friendly
* No kids
* Other dogs unknown but probably okay with slow introduction
* Cats unknown
* Busy little guy who would enjoy at least one walk a day
Butchie takes to strangers right away but in his last home was startled by a child who leaned into his face. He's a very loving little guy who will do great in the right household!