A pet resume can help you stand out from the crowd of renters hoping to land a pet-friendly place.
It doesn't have to be fancy; one page will do. Stay positive and mention anything that will help convince the property manager that your pet will be a good "tenant."
Here's what to include:
Photo. Ideally, it will show your pet playing with another animal or child to show how docile she is.
Personal stats. Include name, age, breed and size.
Personality and behavior. What makes your pet a good candidate for apartment life? Is your cat trained to use the litter box and a scratching post? Does your dog get along with other pets he encounters?
Daily routine. Property managers are rightly concerned about barking and accidents. Reassure them by describing how your pet will spend her day. Do you work at home? If not, will you take her for a run in the morning so she'll sleep while you're gone, will a dog walker come once a day, or will she go to doggie daycare? Who cares for your pet when you are away on vacation?
Health. Mention that your pet is neutered and how this makes for a happier, healthier pet. Include contact information for your veterinarian.
Training. Good pet manners help show that you are a responsible owner. Mention any training your pet has had, even if all he knows is "sit" and "come." Has he completed obedience school or is he a therapy pet?
References. If your pet has successfully lived in other rentals, ask for testimonials that you can attach to your pet resume.
Offer to meet
If appropriate (and you're confident of your pet's reaction to strangers), offer to meet with the property manager. Make sure your pet is well groomed and is leashed including a collar with ID and rabies tags.
Before you sign
Here's what you should find out before signing a lease:
- How many and what type of pets you are allowed to have.
- How much the pet deposit is.
- How much extra you will pay a month because you have a pet.
- What condition the property is in if it has been occupied by pets before.
- What type of cleaning or repairs you are expected to perform to get the pet deposit back.
Sample dog resume
Owners: Jeff and Erin Keedy
1527 Pacific Court, #314
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 555-5252
Description: Roxy is an American pit bull terrier mix who is accustomed to apartment living. She is five years old and friendly and well-behaved around people and other pets. She is fully house broken and has impeccable manners on and off leash. She went to puppy obedience school and recently refreshed her training at Barkeley K-9 University. At about 35 pounds, she is on the small side for her breed.
Pictured: Roxy and our niece, Nora.
Exercise: We walk Roxy twice a day and take her with us hiking or to the beach on weekends. Erin is lucky enough to work in a dog-friendly office, so Roxy goes to work with her at least a couple of times a week. These activities satisfy her exercise and socialization requirements. When she's at home she naps or plays with her toys and food puzzles.
Health: We bathe Roxy and cliip her nails often and she is on a monthly flea treatment. She gets regular health checks and is up-to-date on all her immunizations. She is microchipped and wears a collar with ID and rabies tags. She is neutered, which benefits both her behavior and her health.
About us: Roxy is a beloved member of our family and we are dedicated to caring for her properly and ensuring that she is a good "citizen." When she is outside she is always leashed. We clean up after her on walks and vacuum our home frequently. We are so confident she will make a good "tenant" we're happy to pay an extra deposit for her. You're welcome to visit Roxy in our current apartment or we can bring her to your leasing office. Please let us know if you have any questions about our pet.
References: Please see the attached recommendation letters from our last two landlords.
Sample cat resume
Owners: Jeff and Erin Keedy
1527 Pacific Court, #314
San Francisco, CA 94102
(415) 555-5252
Description: Oscar is a friendly, healthy grey and white shorthaired tabby who has always lived indoors. He is three years old and fully trained to use a litterbox. He has never had an accident, even after a move to a new home.
Pictured: Oscar doing what he does best!
Activities: We have never had a problem leaving Oscar at home while we are at work. He only uses a scratching post and has numerous small toys to keep him busy when he isn't napping. (He also enjoys looking out the window.) When we are home, we play with him and brush him to minimize shedding. When we are out of town we hire a pet sitter to come over twice a day and spend at least an hour each time feeding him and playing with him.
Health: Oscar gets regular health checks and is up-to-date on all his immunizations. He is microchipped and wears a collar with ID and rabies tags. He was neutered when he was six months old, which benefits both his behavior and his health.
About us: Oscar is a beloved member of our family and we are dedicated to caring for him properly and ensuring that he is a good "citizen." We keep his litterbox area clean and dispose of the waste in sealed bags, and we vacuum and clean our home at least once a week. We are so sure Oscar will make a good "tenant" that we are happy to pay an extra deposit for him. You're welcome to visit Oscar in our current apartment or contact our current landlord at 510-555-0897 for a reference. Please let us know if you have any questions about our pet.
References: Please see the attached recommendation letters from our last two landlords.